Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1) Starting with a transparent background, opened first image (train station) in another window and dragged it in, creating a second layer.

2) Scaled image 1 down with Free Transform while holding Shift.

3) Dragged the original transparent layer to the top and used the Rounded Rectangle Tool in Path mode to draw four overlapping boxs.

4) Saved the path and converted it to selection, then used Select>Inverse and Fill (white).

5) Added the following Layer Effects: Drop Shadow (standard), Bevel and Emboss (Shadow Mode: Color Burn 75%, Color: Dark Yellow-Orangeish? [#C18125]), Color Overlay (Normal, Color: Orange [#FF7E00], 54% Opacity), Pattern Overlay (77% Opacity, Scale: 216%, Checkered pattern [downloaded])

6) Opened a second image (trees/river) and dragged it into another layer (top) and turned off visibility. Used Rectangular Marquee + Shift key to create a cross-like selection above the boxes that did not cover the images.

7) Switched visibility on and created a layer mask, converted the selection to work path and saved it. Applied inner shadow effect.

8) Created a folder for the first two layers (boxes and image) to keep them together and organized. Opened and dragged in a third image (brick wall) on another layer. Used same method in steps 6 & 7 to create a rectangular bar across the bottom of the image. Dragged layer behind the second image. Applied Inner Shadow effect.

1) Dragged and scaled image (house) as in steps 1 & 2 above.

2) Dragged transparent layer to top and used grid in Custom Shape Tool to create a 3x3 grid path over the image. Saved and converted to selection, then select inverse and fill (white). Applied the following layer effects: Color Overlay (Color: Brown [#543414], Opacity: 87%) Stroke (Size: 4px, Color: Dark Red [#460606])

3) Put Cutout filter on image layer. Then put different filters in different boxes (from grid). Used Poster Edges, Fresco, and Watercolor.

4) Used Rectangular Marquee to create the following adjustment layers underneath the grid box layer: Hue/Saturation ([Boxes 1,3,5,7,9] Hue +40, Saturation +50), Hue/Saturation ([Box 5] Hue +116), Color Balance ([Box 7] Cyan/Red: +83, Magenta/Green: -79, Yellow/Blue: +100).

5) Created another layer (top) and converted the grid path to selection. Used selection to create a layer mask. Used Brush Tool and random brushes and colors to paint.

1) Opened, dragged in, and scaled down image (orange rocks) using same methods used in above images.

2) After dragging transparent layer to top, used Rounded Rectangle Tool to create a series of overlapping boxes. Saved path, make selection, Select Inverse, and Fill (Blue [#6696CC]).

3) Created another layer (top). Using path, converted to selection and made a layer mask. Then used Brush Tool and random brushes to add texture. Layer opacity: 17%

4) Created another layer between the brush layer and the blue box layer and made another layer mask using the path. Used Paint Bucket Tool to fill Orange (#F1882B).

5) Went back to rock layer and used Magnetic Lasso tool to trace the edge of the rock. Then used Lasso Tool to fill in areas missed by magnetic lasso. Selected brush layer and used Zig Zag filter to distort the area covering the rocks. With rock outline still selected, selected orange layer and right clicked to Subtract Layer Mask from Selection.

6) Created new layer (top) and used Custom Shape Tool to create an overlapping border. Made selection and selected inverse. Created a layer mask and used Brush Tool to paint the outline of the border.

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